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Madonna RE:Vision - Book Pitch

Madonna RE:Vision - Book Pitch

A pitch deck for a photography book about the music video legacy of Madonna.  Designed by Canadian graphic designer Bill Douglas and co-written by editor Neil Feineman this treasure trove of music video stills, memorabilia, interviews and musings was intended to explore the Material Girls deep devotion to the music video as both a promotional tool to sell records but to also re-invent herself over time as one of the greatest performers of all time.  

Artist in Residence (A+R) [2006-2007]

Artist in Residence (A+R) [2006-2007]

An artist + fan based serial print publication and website developed in conjunction with a featured artist, the first being the Icelandic band Sigur Ros. Developed with Jeff Anderson and Neil Feineman we used fan based marketing and social media to sell out the limited edition collectibles.  Canadian uber graphic and book designer Bill Douglas set the style and format for the project. 

Thirty Frames Per Second: the visionary art of the music video [2000]

Thirty Frames Per Second: the visionary art of the music video [2000]

The first book to showcase the music video as an art form. Co-written and produced by Neil Feineman, Intro by Michael Stipe. Designed by Tolleson Design. Published by Abrams Books. Produced and packaged this book over the course of three years, helped to develop new upressing technology for video stills, researched and gathered all the materials, worked on rights and usage for the images, raised the money and put the team together to complete and deliver to Harry N. Abrams Publishing. 

Mark Romanek Music Video Stills [1999]

Mark Romanek Music Video Stills [1999]

An art book based on the music video work of director Mark Romanek. Co-produced and packaged with Mark Romanek. Designed and Published by Arena Editions.  Sold out. Collectors item. 

The Photographs of Samuel Bayer - Book Pitch

The Photographs of Samuel Bayer - Book Pitch

An exploration of the photography work of director Samuel Bayer.   Worked closely with Sam and designer Jessica Fleischmann to create a series of layouts and covers to pitch this incredible archive of work to publishers.  Project currently on hold. 

Leonard Cohen [2015]

Leonard Cohen [2015]

An art book based on the behind the scenes photography of Sharon Robinson. Packaged and Co-Produced with Greg Gold and Sharon Robinson. Designed and Published by Powerhouse Books. One of the fastest selling book titles in Powerhouse history.   Images are represented by the Morrison Hotel Gallery in NYC + LA. 

The Beatles HELP - [2016]

The Beatles HELP - [2016]

A photography book based on the on set photography of Emilio Lari in 1964. Produced and packaged with Gordon DeVries for Rizzoli Books. Designed by Barbara deVries. Written by Alastair Gordon. Photos from the book are represented worldwide by the Morrison Hotel Gallery. Now a global title translated and selling in Italy, Germany, Japan, China and most European cities